Valid from 21 October 2024 - 27 March 2025
The winter timetable for this route, 21 October 2024 - 27 March 2025 is now open for advance purchase of tickets. We've published full details to guide you in our latest customer update.
As of Wednesday 10 July, Scotrail introduced a temporary timetable. This will impact various onward travel connections across the network. For further details please visit the ScotRail website prior to your journey.
Purchase your ticket online in advance of travel - even if you're a foot passenger. When you pre-purchase a ticket for this route, you'll be purchasing an 'open' ticket, although the system asks you for a chosen departure date, your ticket is valid only for the season in which you've purchased it, and it won't have a specific sailing time.
Concessions and blue badge holders - SPT Ferry Card, Companion SPT Ferry Card and Blue Badge concessions are now available online, meaning they'll be applied to your ticket. This is an alternative to visiting the port office / speaking with staff. Please continue to carry your concession card or equivalent when you travel.
Check-in - Due to quick turnaround times all passengers are asked to be ready to board as soon as the vessel berths.