Valid from 2 January 2025 - 4 February 2025
The winter timetable for this route, 2 January - 4 February 2025 is now available to view and book. We've published full details to guide you in our latest customer update.
Book your ticket online in advance of travel - even if you're a foot passenger. Find out more about eTickets. Purchasing tickets online? If you purchase tickets online as a group or for any number of travel companions, the full party must travel on the same sailing. This applies to both legs of your journey. If you are unsure if all members of your group are travelling together, please complete separate transactions online.
Check-in is 30 minutes prior to departure for vehicles and 10 minutes for foot passengers - otherwise space will be reallocated. Late check-in may also lead to refusal of carriage.
Payment Information - We are currently unable to accept cash payments at Troon. If you are purchasing tickets at Troon ticket office, please do so using a card or contactless payment method. We accept MasterCard, Visa, Apple, Google or Samsung Pay.
Alternative route to/from Arran - did you know you can also travel to Arran from Ardrossan - Brodick.
Food and drink information - MV Alfred does not offer retail facilities, so please factor into your journey plans that there will be no food and drink available to purchase on board. Vending machines serving hot/cold drinks and snacks are available in our Troon waiting room. Please note the vending machines are card payment only.
Vehicle customers - Following ramp modifications, services operated by MV Alfred can now accommodate all types of vehicles, with the exception of motorhomes over 6 metres or any vehicle towing a caravan. If you are travelling in a motorhome, please make your booking via our Customer Engagement Centre or port of departure. Any customers with a motorhome wishing to travel on this route must be under 6 metres. Customers travelling in motorhomes over 6 metres or in a vehicle towing a caravan are advised to sail from Ardrossan instead. View the Ardrossan - Brodick timetable..
Customer FAQs - Please ensure you read our frequently asked questions for essential information on travel to/from Troon, including booking information, car parking and facilities at the Port.
Shuttle bus information - Caledonian MacBrayne will be providing a shuttle bus service between Troon train station and Troon ferry terminal, to support foot passengers using the Troon-Brodick service. Shuttle bus information can be found here..
Check the service status of this route before you travel for the latest information
2 January 2025 - 4 February 2025